Investigo International servizi

Travel Security Management

The INVESTIGO INTERNATIONAL travel security management program consists of:

  • Collection of information, and analysis of the security risks they can interrupt during the various travel phases or during humanitarian operations in medium/high risk environments.
  • Threat assessment
  • On site information gathering
  • Security Advance Party process (pre-departure plans, route reconnaissance, inspection, emergency response plans)
  • Creation of the “Travel Security Plan”
  • Creation of the “Protection of Civilians Security Plan”
  • Organization of humanitarian convoys and transport procedures
  • Creation of security and emergency evacuation plans
  • Identification of safe havens
  • Operational negotiation between humanitarian and NGO organizations and counterparts
    with the main objective of establishing and maintaining the organizations’ presence
    in crisis contexts by ensuring their humanitarian access and the implementation
    of activities to protect civilian populations.
maritime travel